“Wisdom flows through books.” The habit of reading enriches one’s knowledge. Some books entertain, others instruct and yet others elevate our mind. Books bring to you a liberal education, entertainment and counsel of the greatest men in the world. A well-stocked computerized library with more than 4500 books and a number of newspapers, journals and magazines provides ample opportunities to the students to explore the unending magic of the printed world.


With Chip being the buzzword, the school has created suitable computer labs with 110 systems, LAN, Internet and other state-of-art facilities to equip the students to face the futuristic challenges.

A Campus-wide network is being installed at Vel’s Vidhyalaya, wherein each and every classroom, staff room and the administrative block has been connected to a cluster of high-end servers. This network serves as the backbone for the implementation of  ERP solution for automating the school’s administration and all scholastic and non scholastic activities.


A HOME AWAY FROM HOME-  At Vel’s Vidhyalaya School Our Resident Scholars have the option of being 5-day/6-day boarders with the weekends at home. We are  committed to provide all modern infrastructure , hygienic and sanitized living conditions, happy and creative environment, etiquette & grooming, balanced and nutritious diet necessary for growing children. It dedicates itself to building character, capabilities and competence through spiritual, moral, social, physical, emotional, psychological and positive attitude.


The integrated Science lab is yet another knowledge centre for the students to put theory into practice and learn by doing. Periodical visits to the laboratory are done to conduct experiments and further research on the science-based topics. The school has well – equipped laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology.


Remedial teaching is organized to help the low achievers and to give extra help and aid to the gifted ones. Students are guided to excel in various talent search examinations. It goes hand in hand with the counselling of the learner.


First – Aid and Medical care is available to the students whenever required. The stock of most needed medicines and First- Aid materials are replenished in advance. Thus the students and staff members are provided prompt medical help whenever required. An attendant is attached to it exclusively. Besides, the Medical Officer of the school, a Health Committee member is always there to attend the students.


The Transport facility currently includes 20 buses that are equipped with a Vehicle Tracking System (VTS), GPS and cameras. This allows the School to monitor speed and location of the route. By GPS Parent can track the location of the bus in their mobile phones .This effectively ensures the safety and security of scholars on board.


Emotional Quotient is considered more important than Intelligence Quotient in this modern era. A good personality can emerge only from a stress-free mind. To keep our physically and mentally healthy, we provide them personalized counselling. Students are exposed to periodical counselling by an expert psychologist. Regarding their behaviour, physical changes, girl-boy relationship, stress management and career counselling are invited to school from time to time. Teachers also play the role of a counsellor as they are with the students for a significant amount of time.