The importance of sports in a student’s life is vital. Important values like discipline, responsibility, self confidence ,team spirit, unity  are imbibed through sports in students.

We at Vel’s sports academy focus on sports a lot , for this we have hired sports coach who understands  his vital role in the students life and shoulders the responsibility well.

Indoor Sports

Physical exercise is important for proper growth of a child but mental development is also essential. We have indoor games to cater that need of a child . Games that are mentally stimulating are introduced so that students develop skills like strategic planning , critical thinking, improvement in memory , reading performance , and mathematical ability .

We have facilities like Chess, Carom, Ball Batmiton and Table tennis.

Outdoor Sports

Outdoor games and activities are beneficial for the overall growth of the kids and development of psychometric aspects. We have facilities like Cricket, Football, Volley Ball, Hockey, Tennis and Basket Ball .

Yoga And Aerobics

Meditation and Yoga contribute directly to improve mental focus and concentration among students . Yoga includes physical poses called asanas , these improve

  • Balanced Blood Pressure
  • Enhanced Confidence Level
  • Improved Calmness
  • Sharper Brain

All children are encouraged to pursue some socially useful productive work  apart from their usual academic and other physical activities. These activities are conducted as  integral part of the school curriculum. These activities provide ample opportunity to the children for developing their artistic ability, technical skills and aesthetic sense.

The activities also improve the co-ordination of the body and mind and are very important for building a sound physique, an upright and correct posture and for smart deportment, turn out and discipline.

  • Music–Instrumental (Keyboard, Drums, Guitar)
  • Dance (Classical, Western)
  • Vocal(Karnatic)
  • Silambam
  • Taekwondo
  • Yoga
  • Chess
  • Skating
  • Robotics

The School General Body is an organization of, by and for the students. The school activities Connected to the students are carried out by this School General Body assisted by the following Councils. Each council is executed by the respective Governors and the members of the councils.

Philosophy & Cognition Development Council (PCDC)

The Philosophy & Cognition Development council aims at the refined ideology, spirituality and morality building in the minds of the students in the school. The following are the objectives of this council.

  • To create are fined character through inculcating spirituality and morality in every student.
  • To make their cognition larger and their emotional quotient above the average level.
  • To create a positive mindset and a heart for reflection in life in them.
  • To make the children obedient to the parents and all elders.

Literature & Curriculum Development Council (LCDC)

The Literature & Curriculum Development Council aims at expanding the knowledge in all walks of life. The main objectives are as follows:

  • To enrich copious vocabulary proficiency in every student
  • To enable the students to master the art of literature, its varied styles, the ideas, imagination, innovation and creativity involved in each field
  • To create the student community constructive thinkers and literary critics and analyst
  • To extend their reading beyond lessons in each class
  • To help them relearn the art of Letter writing to the parents, relatives and friends

Science & Logic Development Council(SLDC)

The Science & Logic Development Council aims at the proliferation of every student’s innate intelligence. It invigorates the thirst in students to invent and explore the world of science which includes mathematics, science and Meta physics. The council galvanizes the following objectives

  • To increase the intuition of observing the things scientifically in the minds of the Students
  • To enable the students learn to apply mathematics and science in their day to day life
  • To increase the number of successful students passing in the IIT Foundation exams, Olympiads, NTSE, Velammal Science Talent Search Examinations and other kind of science and mathematics examinations conducted in the school.
  • To make the students knowledgeable in Vedic Maths, Magic Fingers and so on

Culture & Heritage Development Council (CHDC)

The Culture & Heritage Development Council aims at the development and enrichment of the Culture, Tradition, Fine Arts, Life Style, Celebrations and Functions. The prime objectives are:

  • To organize all the curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular functions and celebrations with the assistance of the other councils.
  • To bring out the school annual magazine “Vel’s Vignette” a souvenir by the students every year
  • To organize inter school and intra school competitions in view of the glorious culture of our country, state and school

To supervise the ECA & CCA classes and to maintain a perfect record for everything.

Sports & Games Development Council (SGDC)

The Sports & Games Development Council aims at the empowerment of the student’s caliber in Sports and Games and their physical fitness. The following are the objectives:

  • To arrange for the Inter – School Competitions and Intra – School Competitions in Sports &Games.
  • To arrange for registration and participation of our students in all the competitions conducted by various Associations, Clubs, District, State and Nation.
  • To organize everyday warm up exercises & jogging in the morning and Sports and Games hour in the evening and arrange a proper schedule for the hostellers that every student enhances their sports skills.
  • To organize rallies and awareness parades in the school and in the districts on various social causes

Health & Sanitation Development Council (HSDC)

The Health & Sanitation Development Council focuses on the following objectives:

  • To make it sure that the drinking water tanks contain water always.
  • To keep a litter free, clean and green environment in the campus.
  • To encourage the students to plant a (tree) sapling on their birthdays.
  • To arrange for a clean-up campaign every month.

English Club

Vel’s Vidhyalaya trains children for international courses in Elocution and Speech & Drama, aims to help students engage in Elocution activities, expand their abilities in Public Speaking, and overcome Stage Consciousness. The focus of this program is on Language Development and Creativity. The activities go beyond a ‘one-time performance’ targeted at an audience; the curriculum has carefully planned sequences of drama games, role-plays, mime, speeches, and diction exercises through projects on storytelling, news reading, word games and interviews.

Tamil Club

The purpose of the Tamil Club is to enhance the creativity of our scholars. The Club allows scholars to create their own speeches and plays, compose poetry and also write essays to express their thoughts and feelings. Play is also an integral part of the Tamil Club where scholars are not only being made aware of important social issues but they are encouraged to take on the responsibility of spreading its awareness. The Club will also conducts activities like debates and extempore to develop thinking and analysing skills in our scholars.

Science Club

Science Club works to promote scientific temper in young minds and provide a platform for them to express and correlate ideas for innovative creation. This is a special club conducted by the science department. Some of the activities that will be included are quizzes, elocution, model making, documentary making, paper presentations, science journalism, awareness campaigns, fieldtrips and nature walks, and book reviews. The club activities also set aside time to provide coaching for the Science Olympiad.

Maths Club

Maths clubs are dedicated to extra-curricular maths get together that breathe new life into maths beyond the classroom. They come in all shapes and sizes. However, they all focus on two things: having fun with maths and learning. Maths clubs raise the profile of maths as a subject, they increase engagement and show children that maths can be playful, exciting and full of wonder. Holding a weekly maths club lets us take off our curriculum jacket and work more informally with children while engaging them in a variety of activities for mathematical sense-making.


The clubs encourages students to identify, learn about and adopt sustainable practices that help conserve the environment. The club also provides a platform for students to take considered action through awareness campaigns, movements and drives that aim to sensitize the local community about the need to go green.

We place a high value on learning about working as a team and the benefits of good behaviour, so the School House System is an important part of student life. Students will join one of the four school houses. The houses are:

  • Adroit Athens
  • Zealous Titans
  • Fiery Martians
  • Valiant Spartans

Each student is placed in a house, Older students are given the responsibility to serve as House Captains and one as Vice- Captain for each house. The house system enhances the student’s identity and sense of belonging and develops the finer aspects of loyalty and co-operation. We are inspired by the Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardy, the school of magic from the series Harry potter, authored by J K Rowling.

Throughout the year, students receive points which contribute to the house competitions.  Children will receive house points as rewards for things such as good behaviour, good work, and good attitude.  Then, at the end of the year, all points are counted and the winning house for the year is announced and awards are distributed. There is a wonderful sense of camaraderie generated throughout the school with the house system.